I am up to any task put before me today. I place my focus on it alone and fulfill it beyond the expectations I have for it. I even Enjoy it more than I might believe possible.
I look to nature today for guidance in releasing the old and living perfectly in the space of Today!
Fall is a good time for letting go and releasing of that which no longer serves you. The trees show us a beautiful example as they easily release their leaves preparing for the season ahead. Trees know that in due season they will come back again, not the same exact leaves but good and perfect nonetheless.
I say 'YES' today to all of life. Yes to the cleansing rain that falls around me. Yes to the love that I see in every person I meet. Yes to the joy within me that lights my path. Yes to the opportunities of life around every corner just waiting to uplift me.
I embrace every aspect of my world today. Whatever is going on around me, I see it as perfect and know that it does not determine my potential. I am solid and secure in my love and acceptance for my true essence and that flows into my environment... not the other way around.
In the moment I least expect it... I find strength, beauty and hope. The fascinating realization is that it has always been within me and just now managed to free itself.
I look at my mistakes only long enough to see how I can grow and do things differently going forward. I then make amends to the other person and myself and move with freedom and lightness.
"There is nothing for you to fear now, for the Light has come to dispel the terrible shadows that seemed to attack you. They had no real form, except in your mind. You are like a child that looks around her dark room making up stories about the things she knows are not real. A chair becomes a dragon and a toy becomes a monster. But in the end she knows that they cannot attack her, and that she is perfectly safe. Look around yourself now and realize that you are safe as well. There is nothing that can attack you, save your own mind that pulls your belief. Turn on the light and they are gone. Then you remember that there is nothing for you to fear. ~Brother" 'The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking' by James Twyman