Friday, July 23, 2010

Divine Magnet

I am a magnet for Divine prosperity, drawing to me all of the
people, places, and resources that lead me to my
Highest Good, Ultimate Health, and Conscious Happiness.

~ And Also With You ~

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Spirit's Potential

~ To walk on Faith in the bright Light of Love is a
show of Spiritual connection ~

~ To walk on Faith in the depths of darkness is a
show of your Spirit's true potential ~

I endeavor to walk on Faith in every moment.
I trust that Divine protection and guidance are my inherent
rights as a beautiful child of the Universe

~ And Also With You ~

Monday, July 19, 2010


~ Be Present ~
(it's difficult to 'BE' in this moment if there are so many things from
the past that are pulling at your energy and attention

I release all hold on the past and allow the past to let me go!
I move forward by experiencing the fullness of each moment as I am in it!

~ And Also With You ~

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Flow with it

There is no loss... only a cycling and recycling of elements of the Divine.

I stop looking at the apparent loss and open my eyes to the beautiful manifestation of form that the so called "lost" thing has become.

A wave is still the ocean in its every form...

~ And Also With You ~

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Gift of Spirit

It is such a beautiful gift of the Divine to be in the midst of chaos and truly feel blissful.

I stand secure in the everlasting flow of Divine Love Light and nothing can disturb my Bliss!

~ And Also With You ~

Monday, July 12, 2010


I am deeply rooted in the Love that is present in every aspect of my life.
My roots of Faith, Hope, and Trust ground me into the everlasting Truth that is unending Love and eternal Peace.

~ And also with you ~

Monday, July 5, 2010


I'm free ~ I'm free
I am free today of all that would limit my
Highest Good, Ultimate Health, and Conscious Happiness!

~ Happy Independence to Us all ~