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My Prayer for Today
The prayer of my heart is to know You more fully each day... to experience Your love deep within my heart.
Everywhere I look today, I will look for Your love.
Let me see it in the eyes of my family and friends.
Let me see it in the eyes of strangers.
Wherever I go today, I will know that You are there.
You are in the deepest valley and on the highest mountaintop.
You are in the darkest shadows and the brightest light.
You live within my heart and every heart as peace, strength, and hope.
I will follow my heart today and trust Your guiding presence in all that I do.
I will give of myself. I will share my love... my joy.
Dear God, You are my light, my life, my unending source of goodness.
Today I will walk in Your light.
I will live with faith in my heart.
I will live with a new understanding of who I am...
Your beloved.
Thank You, God. Amen. And so it is.
In Love and Enlight
I allow God full access to me by staying in the stream of Consciousness as it flows through my body, mind and spirit.
In Love and Enlight
I accept each situation exactly as it is right now, letting go of all thought of what might have been. I know in this moment that everything is perfect.
In Love and Enlight
Just for today, I let go of all judgments and assumptions. I let love and light be my only guide. I am sure that when tomorrow comes I will realize the peace and joy of living free of those low energies and will allow myself to be free of them still.
In Love and Enlight
I let my light so shine in this world that all may see it and be transformed in the way that is productive to the realization of connection to the all that is and every part of it even down to the minuscule.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."From:A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in MiraclesChapter 7, Section 3by Marianne Williamson
In Love and Enlight
Today is a new day full of hope and opportunity. This moment right now holds more promise and joy than the one before it. It keeps getting better and better ~ I am so happy to be ME and alive right now.
In Love and Enlight
I love and accept myself exactly as I am. I realize that loving and accepting myself is the first step to attracting others who feel the same. In the face of a situation where I do not feel good enough in the eyes of another, I look within to find the place within me that feels less than good enough and remember that I am a beautiful child of God ~ Perfect, Whole and Complete.
In Love and Enlight
I release myself from the bonds of time today. I rest in the assurance that everything happens in the right time - space sequence and flows through to completion easily and effortlessly. In each moment I ask, "What is mine to do?" and I do just that.
In Love and Enlight
I honor and take care myself today in the ways that support my innermost needs. I am in-tune with spirit and allow God to be my guide. I am guided to see the true needs of my soul and am able to let the rest go.
In Love and Enlight
I am a speck of the whole of the beauty and wonder of life and the container for that same life.
I am aware that the thoughts I have about myself and everything around me are not me. I am the consciousness that is aware of the thought. As that, thoughts have no power over me.
In Love and Enlight
Life is full of wonder and surprise. I open my eyes and take it all in today.
I was blessed with the honor of helping my dear friend bring her baby boy into the world this week. I am in awe of her and the entire process of life.
Thank you sweet friend. May you feel the blessings of spirit more each day. Thank you God for more than I can say. You are indeed born anew in me every day that I accept you.
In Love and Enlight
I take full responsibility for my thoughts, feelings and actions. I realize that I alone choose how I react.
No one can 'make me' anything... such as 'You made me happy'... 'You made me so mad'... Instead I respond to kindness or love by saying... I feel so happy that you said that. When I take responsibility for all of my reactions ~ the universe responds by blessing me with greater opportunity for being responsible.
"Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from negativity, that I may only share love and light." ~ my version of The Jabez Prayer
In Love and Enlight
I experience all of life from the place of stillness within me and see beauty in all of it. I feel the Divine moving through all things and experience a deeper connection with God in me.
"There is no greatness where simplicity, goodness and truth are absent." ~ Leo Tolstoy
In Love and Enlight
In each moment that I experience love I send that vibration through time and space to wash over every moment of my life.
In each moment that I experience peace I send that vibration through time and space to wash over every moment of my life.
In each moment that I experience happiness I send that vibration through time and space to wash over every moment of my life.
In each moment that I experience any thought or feeling I am sending that vibration through time and space to wash over every moment of my life.
In each moment we are not only experiencing 'right now', we are transforming our past and future.
The energy of the Divine cannot be bound by the constructs of time... It is unlimited and just as that is true... I am not bound by time, any thought or emotion that might inhibit my experiencing love, peace and happiness right now. I am unlimited and free.
In Love and Enlight
I center myself in truth today. The ultimate truth of the highest consciousness resonates within me. It brings to light all of the things in me that might be keeping me from reaching my full potential. Anything that I am ready to release simply falls away from me and I am free and light, full of love.
In Love and Enlight
I am opening my body, mind and spirit to the unfolding of the events of my life with an easy countenance and a great awareness of ultimate consciousness.
In Love and Enlight